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8 Tips to Stay Healthy While Travelling

tips to stay healthy

It’s always important to watch your health while travelling, especially when you’re far from home. When you’ve been on the go for a while, it can be taxing on your health, what with all the stress and germs you’ll encounter on your travels. It’s vital you take good care of yourself to avoid picking up some bug you might take home with you. There are some ways you can combine your discovery of the locality with staying fit and healthy. Here are just a few expert travelling hacks that can help you enjoy exotic locales without worrying about catching something.

get some sleep

#1 Get plenty of sleep.

If you’ve travelled long distances, especially by plane, one of the best things you can do for yourself is get enough sleep. Between travelling long distances, carrying all your luggage, and walking most places, you’ll have ample reason to get a good night’s sleep on your trip. Travelling by plane can also add jet lag, making it more imperative you get enough sleep for your body to get used to the new timezone. Sufficient sleep is also a must for keeping your strength and fighting off common infections (like the common cold and flu). Find a comfy bed as soon as you arrive to start recharging your batteries. You can also get some sleep when travelling by charter bus or plane; pack a travel pillow and some earplugs to help you sleep soundly while in transit.

take a walk

#2 Walk

Sneak in some extra exercise during your trip by taking walks. Taking long walks around town is a great way to get around and help you adjust to a new timezone. Put on some comfortable shoes and take a walk around town to take in all the sights. Bus tours can be a great way to sample a new locale, but walking tours can be a great alternative. Sign up for a walking tour around the city to get a ground floor view of the culture, cuisine, and history. Check out some travelling blogs and guidebooks to help you find the spots you think you’d like to check out. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, you can also try hiking. It’s great exercise, but it’s also a golden opportunity to engage with nature and find some breathtaking vistas in the bargain.

eat healthy breakfast

#3 Remember Breakfast

Some tourists make a habit of skipping breakfast, assuming they’ll be eating out for lunch and dinner. A healthy breakfast is the most important meal of the day, giving you plenty of energy for a day of sightseeing. Making your own breakfasts can be a good way to ensure you eat healthily. Hit the supermarket for a box of instant oatmeal and make it with hot water before heading out for the day. Alternatively, keep an eye out for pastries and orange juice if you’re in a hurry.

#4 Bring Snacks

It can be tempting to turn to fast food, especially if you’re not familiar with local eating spots. One thing you can do to ensure you’re eating well is to bring your own travel-healthy snacks. Pack a few healthy snacks for your trip so you have something to eat when you get peckish. Pick foods high in protein to help you keep going longer (especially when you’re sightseeing). When you’re still travelling, stick to your own snacks to keep your strength up until you get to your destination. Save the treats you bought at the airport for after you arrive, when they’ll taste more satisfying.

always get plenty of water

#5 Stay Hydrated

Travel is thirsty work, especially when flying. Planes have low humidity, which can help make you feel thirsty on long plane trips. The low humidity can also dry out your mucus membranes, leaving you more susceptible to germs. It’s vital you get plenty of water to drink, particularly if you expect to do much walking and if it’s hot in your destination. Bring a water bottle so you have a convenient water source as you go. Many airports offer water bottle filling stations so you can refill when you start running low. You can also keep an eye out for water fountains as you walk. One great trick you can use to stay hydrated is to drink plenty before setting out (around 500 mL is enough).

#6 Pack a First-aid Kit

It’s important to be prepared for any eventuality (for example, investing in travel health insurance). Put assembling a first-aid on your travelling checklist so you have all the necessities at hand, just in case. Having the right tools can make a huge difference in emergencies. Make sure you have enough of the essentials in your kit. Some important things to have on hand include bandages, antibiotic ointments, motion sickness remedies, cold and flu medication, and rehydration tablets. Before leaving, also double-check your first-aid kit to make sure you have all your equipment included.

wash your hands

#7 Wash Your Hands Regularly

Your hands are a major source of germs. One travel health notice you may have heard before is making sure you wash your hands regularly to eliminate bacteria, especially before eating. When you’re travelling, it’s common to touch things other people have come into contact with, so this is one habit to keep in mind at all times. For extra protection, remember to sanitize any surfaces on a plane or bus, particularly seating areas and especially if you have children. It can be difficult to tell how often seats, armrests, and buttons are cleaned; be on the safe side and clean those surfaces off to get rid of nearby germs. When water and soap aren’t readily available, keep wet wipes and hand sanitizer on hand so you can keep your hands clean anyway.

#8 Protect Your Skin

One of the things a travelling agency may warn you about is excessive exposure to the sun, especially if you’re going to a tropical destination. It’s important to have adequate protection from the heat. Apply sunscreen (with a minimum of SPF 30), and reapply every 2 hours to ensure you get enough protection. For extra coverage, consider wearing a hat and cover-up when in direct sunlight. On a side note, some countries can have large mosquito populations. Apply insect repellent to protect yourself from insect bites as you sightsee.

These days, it’s more important than ever to watch yourself while abroad. The guidelines for travel health in Canada still apply; always wash your hands and refrain from touching the face to prevent germs from entering through vulnerable spots on the body. For the more health-conscious, wellness travel is a growing industry that can let you see the world and take care of yourself. However you decide to travel, always remember to stay healthy while you do it.

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